HTTP status codes are sometimes not sufficient to convey enough information about an error to be helpful to developers. Problem Details object can carry fine-grained details of the problem to be used by API clients.
What is Problem Details?
Official introduction of Problem Details can be found on RFC7807. But I would probably recommend this well-explained blog post from Nate Totten The Power of Problem Details for HTTP APIs
Refactoring my Express codes to include Problem Details
Create a ProblemDetails
* @typedef {Object} ErrorDetails
* @property {string} type
* @property {string} title
* @property {number} status
* @property {string} detail
* @property {string|number|Array|Object} [additionalProperty]
export default class ProblemDetails {
/** @param {ErrorDetails} options */
constructor(options) {
Object.assign(this, options);
And then import this class to be used by userController.js
import ProblemDetails from "../problemDetails.js";
export const userSignUp = async (req, res) => {
const user = req.body;
try {
const create = await createUser(user);
// ...
} catch (err) {
// 1. Connect Timeout Error
if (err.cause?.code === 'UND_ERR_CONNECT_TIMEOUT') {
res.status(500).json(new ProblemDetails({
type: "about:blank",
title: err.cause.code,
status: 500,
detail: err.cause.code,
// 2. Fetch Error
res.status(err.status).json(new ProblemDetails({
type: "about:blank",
title: err.errors?.[0].message,
status: err.status,
detail: err.errors?.[0].message